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Behind The Meaning | Chakras Explained

Here at Daisy, you may have heard us talk about the Chakras quite often. It’s the name of one of our bestselling collections after all. But what are Chakras and what does each Chakra mean?

In a nutshell, they are the seven energy points in our bodies; starting from the bottom of the spine going up to the top of the head. Each one is represented by a unique symbol and a colour from the rainbow. Use our guide below to discover the meaning of each Chakra.

Stability. Grounding. Prosperity

The Base Chakra (also known as the Muladhara), is the first of the seven Chakras, located at the base of the spine and represented by the colour red. Associated with survival and security, it connects to us feeling grounded within. When the Base Chakra is balanced we feel comfortable with who we are and full of energy but when it becomes damaged we can feel anxious or stubborn.


Sexuality. Physical Grace. Pleasure

The Sacral Chakra (also known as the Svadhishthana), is the second Chakra and is linked to the colour orange. Found in the pelvic area, the Sacral Chakra is linked our emotions and physical pleasure. It allows us to accept change and go with the flow if we are balanced but if impaired it can make us distant and feel isolated.


Vitality. Direction. Self-Esteem

The Solar Plexus Chakra (also known as Manipura), is the third Chakra, located in our abdomen above our belly button and is linked to the colour yellow. Known as the core of our personality, the Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with our level of confidence and ego. When stable, this Chakra allows us to feel focused and get things done, however, if weak it can leave us feeling indecisive and obsessive.


Love. Compassion. Alturism

The Heart Chakra (also known as Anahata) is the fourth Chakra, positioned where your heart is in the middle of the chest and is associated with the colour green. Connected to love and compassion, it can allow you to be kind to others and feel happy when balanced but, if blocked, it can result in low self-esteem or make us really sensitive.


Communication. Resonance. Creativity

The Throat Chakra (also known as Vishuddha), is the fifth Chakra and is represented by the colour blue. Found at the centre of the neck, by your throat, it is associated with the art of communication. When this Chakra is flourishing, you can express yourself clearly, without fear. If it becomes unbalanced or over worked, you may feel vocally self-conscious or interrupt others when talking.


Intuition. Perception. Imagination

The Brow Chakra (also known as Ajna) is the sixth Chakra and is linked to the colour purple. Found on the forehead, in between our eyebrows, it is connected to seeing clearly and our intuition. When stable, our Brow Chakra is excellent for thinking logically but if it becomes unbalanced it can be difficult for us to concentrate or even make us feel paranoid.


Intelligence. Awareness. Thoughtfulness

The Crown Chakra (also known as Sahasrara) is the seventh and final Chakra. It is located at the top of the head and represented by the colour violet. This Chakra is connected to our conscious behaviour and mindfulness. While open, this Chakra allows us to feel at one with the universe and spiritually aware. If closed or blocked, it can create distrust or feeling closed-minded.


Explore Daisy London's iconic Chakra Collection HERE


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Crown Chakra Chain Bracelet 18ct Gold Plate


Heart Chakra Earrings 18ct Gold Plate


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Throat Chakra Necklace 18ct Gold Plate
