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Healing Stones Launch Breakfast

To celebrate the launch of our Healing Stones collection, it only seemed natural to get together with some of our fave Daisy girls over many cups of tea and coffee, all the avocado on toast a girl could possible ask for, bowls of chia pudding and granola and something a little extra sweet to round it off in the form of pancakes. What better way to finish off a busy week and kick start that Friday feeling?

The event was hosted at one of our favourite hangouts, the beautiful Farmacy in Westbourne Grove where the table was adorned with wild flowers, candles and many a crystal including Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Lapis and Citrine to name but a few.

We had Crystal healer and Reiki master Reeya Avani exuding positive energy whilst transfixing us with her crystal knowledge, their benefits and the optimum places to keep them around your home. Guests were given sage to take home ready to clear their Healing Stones necklaces’ energies before wearing. “It’s very important to choose the crystal you’re most drawn too,” says Reeya. To book your very own session with Reeya, you can check out her website here.

Each of our Daisy girls chose a Healing Stone necklace they are most drawn to.

Scarlett Curtis – Amethyst

Francesca Newman-Young – Amazonite

Rikke Krefting – Green Aventurine

Emma Hoareau – Howlite

Laura Whitmore – Labradorite

Jessica Garland Blake – Lapis

Lottie Murphy – Rose Quartz


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