This time answering your top questions on one hot topic. This month I couldn’t help but wonder… what is life without L O V E ? (insert Ross from Friends GIF here)
As we all know, February is the month of luuurve! Love for yourself, love for her, love for him and love for them. No longer an exclusive couples club, where rom-com rules apply and only red roses will do; this season is for everyone. A chance to celebrate every type of love in any way you choose. For me, a huge part of celebrating love is nurturing the relationship I have with myself (which isn’t always easy, I can tell you, I’m a pain in my ass sometimes!) But seriously, like so many things, self-love is a journey. And now, more than ever, we all need to love ourselves a little bit more. As a beauty addict, I am an advocate of using this as a tool to make me feel like the best version of myself.