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Do It In Daisy With Londiwe

Our DO IT IN DAISY sees us spotlighting amazing people doing what they love most in the jewellery that signifies who they are.

Icon, mother, friend, and bad-ass woman, enter Londiwe Ncube. When you meet people like Londiwe, life just gets that little bit better. We caught up with Glamour Magazine’s European Fashion Editor and her heart-breakingly cute daughter Akela over tea, toast, and colouring to hear how she juggles her demanding job alongside being a mum.

‘I juggle all the roles I play with the support from my family & my community... I don’t think anyone can do it alone’

We asked Londiwe what it's like being a woman at the very top of her game... ‘It is never without a challenge… if you approach it with kindness & find your community you get so much from it’

'Being a parent especially having a daughter puts a mirror up to me as a woman’


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