My Bag

Daisy & Studio Bust

Studio Bust was founded by Mads, who wanted to capture her body during her second pregnancy in an original, empowering and timeless way. The lack of options and her experience left her wanting, so Studio Bust was born; a creative and inclusive company on a mission to champion and celebrate the female form.

What does a typical day look like for you?

At the moment - hectic! We welcomed our third daughter in October and as I’m still breastfeeding, she accompanies me almost everywhere so it’s very much a juggling act.

We tend to be downstairs having breakfast by 7am and then once we’ve wrangled the older two off to nursery, work can begin. If I’m hosting an appointment day, I’ll spend the day in London with Tara, who heads up our scanning. I love meeting our clients, hearing why they are choosing to capture a moment in time and talking them through our collections.

If I’m working from home in Hampshire, alongside emails and calls, I try to spend as much time as possible between our Production Workshop and Bronze Foundry checking on the latest Busts being hand finished, cast and patinated. Each Bust is photographed for our Instagram before it leaves the Workshop as I think it’s hugely important to show how truly beautiful each and every body is.

My late-afternoons are generally spent with my daughters but once they are bathed and asleep, my husband and I relish the opportunity to retreat to the peace and quiet of our office to get some undisturbed work done.

Tell us where it all began, the journey since you started and about your team now?

I posed nude for Mr Bingo’s Advent calendar when pregnant with my first daughter and second time around wanted to capture my body again but in a different medium and sculpture seemed like the natural next step. After deciding our London flat was too small to house a life sized plaster cast of my bump, I discovered people using 3D scanning and printing technology to create art. With no one creating pieces in the style and quality I wanted, Studio Bust was born.

It started with two children under two, with hours spent at the kitchen table building our first 3D printer whilst also learning how to operate our 3D scanner and it’s software (which at the time felt like a foreign language) and trying to perfect our product offering.

We now have a team of women working on the business day to day. It's hugely important to me that as much of the production is done in-house, not only due to the personal nature of our work but also so that I can control the quality as closely as possible. We live just a mile from our Bronze Foundry and together we’ve managed to overcome the many challenges of casting from 3D printed materials as well as developing bespoke techniques and Studio Bust finishes.

What’s the mission behind Studio Bust?

I wanted to create a brand that celebrates the female form at every age and stage of life. Women spend their lives having their bodies scrutinised and so it felt important to champion their unique beauty and empower them to see that they too are worthy of being made into a piece of art.

What’s been the proudest moment in your career?

We’ve been so fortunate to receive some hugely meaningful testimonials. These mean the world and make the late nights/non-stop nature of having your own business completely worth it.

What’s the jewellery piece that makes you feel like you?

Oo this is such a tricky one as there are so many beautiful pieces to choose from! I adore the Daisy x Estee Lalonde Wavy Hoop earrings. We have similar shapes on our branding materials, which were inspired by movement, the variations of the female form and the pattern our 3D printers creates on our Busts. As a general rule, I like my jewellery to make a statement but be easy to wear and these tick both boxes!

Who inspires you?

I am extremely lucky to be surrounded by incredible women building careers across a variety of industries. Be it my sister in law, JJ Walsh, founder of @formulafig, to close friends like @theindiaedit, to women I’ve admired from afar like @matildagoad and @anyahindmarch (who’s book ‘If in doubt wash your hair’ was a huge comfort as I began navigating working for myself alongside small children).. the list could go on.. but it is so inspiring to witness their creativity, drive and resilience.

I was totally unprepared for the endlessly wide range of challenges that present themselves when starting your own business so being a part of a community that supports and lifts each other up has been invaluable!

How would you describe your jewellery style?

I think it’s pretty classic, I have a few pieces I’m never without, like my gold chains, my watch and a few gold rings but I also love a dose of sparkle. Now we live in the countryside, I lean into any chance to get dressed up - more is more and you’ll normally find me adding a pair of statement earrings and an OTT headband before dashing out the door.

Any exciting upcoming plans you can share with us?

As well as making more London dates available, we’re so excited to be spending more time hosting pop ups in the US. We’ve just come back from NY and have our fifth LA pop up in a couple of weeks. We’re currently moving into a larger Production Workshop and we hope to open the doors to a permanent Studio space in London later this year. Stay tuned!

To find out more about StudioBust check out their website @StudioBust and if your wanting more inspirsation for your jewellery collection check out our BestSellers to shop our most wanted pieces.
